
Thursday 14 November 2013

The Fornicator

The Fornicator... a friend’s Confession

Despite several warnings
In spite of several hearings
In spite of several admonitions,
I fell into it
Into what I had dreaded
Into what I had been running from
While I was running away from it
I never knew I was running
With my face facing backwards
Thus I ran into it.

But I thank Him
That He inspired her to prevent
My total fall or shall I say
That He saw my efforts
And decided to cushion my fall
Through His inspiration in her
That I did not use the right one alone
But used another as a cover to it.
But come as it may,
Fornication is fornication.
Her body isn’t mine yet
Thus it is fornication.
Mine is not hers yet
Thus it fornication.
Though it is the order of the day
You might see me in another light
But that doesn’t mean I
Should go with the crowd.
Cos I have my own life to lead
And the crowd its life to live
And when I am called to account for it,
The crowd won’t be an intercessor for me
Nor when it is called to account for its
I will not be an intercessor for it.

Let nobody judge others
Cos we know not
What led to their committing it,
And I said I was strong enough
To be my own guard
And lived my life carelessly my own way.
I was told that I can escape if she is not
Willing to have me to herself
In this game. Which I passionately detested.
But lo and behold!
I never lent a work to the talk
And so it came to pass
On a noisy-quiet night
With the twp of us alone
It’s not the first time
And there was no sign to warn me
Else I would have prevented it.
The sleep was undisturbed till
I was awoken at a god-knows-when time
Feeling absolutely super charged
I dismissed the probing fingers
Turned and slept another round.
Or rather should I say
I could not take and resist it again
And at that moment,
All my reasoning was gone!
The only thing on my mind
Was how to relieve myself
Of this burning punishment all over me!!!

I turned over and it became
Escalated kisses, searching and probing fingers.
It is true that it takes two to tango.
She was action-ready and knew
What she wanted
How to get what she wanted
And how she is to get it and go about it.
I doff my hat to you.
Before I could say Jack Robinson
I was yanking off all the clothes I had on
The same clothes I thought would protect me
Sorry, that I thought were barriers.
They were not!
I was searching instinctively
For where to bury this punishing feeling in me!
But I believe God in His mercies
Helped me and she said
“It’s just to show you that you are powerless
And no resistance from you can stop a woman
From having you if she wants you in her.”

She mercifully continued,
“Since I know you aren’t ready
To become a father, take this.”

Then I used it after I took it!!!
Can you believe it? That which I disliked
A rubber! I mean the C. D!!!
Though it had been a long time
That I last did this thing
Which was why I resisted all previous attempts
But I used it all the same
Since, as she said, I was not ready
To father any lad or lass out of wedlock
I took the condom she offered
And gratefully and hurriedly wore it
And commenced my sinful action once again!
I started the journey
And only ended when I felt relieved
Of the burden and punishment in me...

Then it dawned on me
That I had just fallen into the very pit
That I had been running away from
Since and after I had been drenched in it.
And it all came flooding back
The first time, second, third,
The warnings, the talks, the repentances,
And the rest. Then this one again!!!

Then I agreed that
You can’t resist a woman
Except, by His grace on you!!!


My conscience won’t let me rest
That’s why I tried my best
To put these thoughts of a friend into lines
That relief might come down my spines
And that He may forgive
The transgression that I in these lines give
As a guarded guide to men in the world
That they may run from this snake curled
Around females which makes men fall
Willingly or otherwise into the game and play ball.

Painfully said and guiltily conceived
Are these unhappy lines to me
Let the reader not be deceived
But the wisdom therein, he should see.  

© Yettocome™ 2012

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a whole lot for this post, it has really strengthened me a lot. I think still holding is a lot of big deal. God Bless You!
